First Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11 Reflection: In this passage and this week’s Gospel reading we hear agricultural illustrations about the life of faith. In the First Reading from Isaiah, the Lord compares His word to the “rain and snow” that water the… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Zechariah 9:9-10 Reflection: This prophecy from the book of Zechariah speaks of the coming Messiah, who we know to be Jesus. The LORD speaks here to the people of Israel (referred to as “daughter Zion”), commanding them to “rejoice”… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14B-16A Reflection: The first reading this Sunday recounts the time after the Exodus when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. This was a time of testing for them and also an opportunity for… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Exodus 34:4B-6, 8-9 Reflection: This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Our belief in a Triune God is the central teaching of our Christian faith and a profound mystery summarized as this: there is… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 2:1-11 Reflection: Pentecost was a Jewish feast that occurred 50 days after the Passover and commemorated the giving of the law to Moses and the Israelites on Mt. Sinai. On the Pentecost following Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension,… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 1:1-11 Reflection: This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, which is deferred from the official date of Thursday, May 21st to the nearest Sunday. Forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. This week’s… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 Reflection: The Samaritans were a particular group of people living in north-central Israel. Their Jewish ancestors had intermarried with non-Jews after the time when the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered in 722 B.C. by… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 6:1-7 Reflection: This week’s First Reading recalls the choosing of the first deacons in the Church. Seven men were chosen to fill a role of service. The need for this role arose out of a practical complaint… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 2:14A, 36-41 Reflection: Can you imagine 3,000 people being baptized in one day at the same place? The scene must have been spectacular! This week’s First Reading picks up where last week’s First Reading left off, continuing… Continue Reading →
First Reading: Acts 2:14, 22-33 Reflection: During the Easter season, the First Reading, which is typically taken from the Old Testament, comes from the Acts of the Apostles instead. Thus, we have the opportunity to hear about the early days… Continue Reading →
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